Sunday, September 23, 2007

First week of School of Bibical Studies!!

One down and 65 more to go! Last week we went through the book of Philemon! Wow, who would of thought that a book that is only chapter long could have soooo much in it! I liked learning about what the book meant to the original reader and finding out what the culture was like when Paul wrote the letter to Philemon. There is so much to learn! I encourage all to check out Philemon! It is a story of forgiveness and it does not take long to read. We went thru that book first because it is so short and we are still learning the method of inductive Bible study that are teaching us.

Thank you so much for your prayers! I appreciate them so very much. Please pray that God will calm my spirit as I am trying to understand the method. There are many details that I have to memorize and it can be very overwhelming. I am fascinated by what I have read in Titus thus far - we will study it this week(along with Eph.)! Things that I never noticed are jumping out and I'm excited to learn more about the background of the book!

Please also pray for:

One of my staff (Victoria) is going through a rough time because her mom just had open heart surgery. Please pray that all goes well and God's healing hand is on her mother.

My health -

My friends working a country in South East Asia. I can't give many details due to their location, but do ask that you pray for peace in the country and for more discipleship for the new believers.

I hope you are all in good health and full of the joy of our Lord who is our life.
By the way the picture is of me and my mom while I was staying at my parents house :-)